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The Sequence in Music
The Journey of the Musical Motifs
The sequence is that musical force which lovingly leads the dancing motifs from one sequence world into the next, inspiring them to new creative unfoldment in a harmonious manner, so that all the motifs, although striving apart and back to each other in many ways, still travel through each new world collectively and with the help of the sequence enter ever new social dimensions of musical unfoldment.
The Mysterious Unknown Sphere of a New Musical Generation
At each transition from one sequence world into the next, the full beauty of the cosmic form of the sequence by virtue of the cosmic social laws of development appears particularly distinct.
Like a mother, it guides the motifs with the help of the cosmic social laws of development collects them in the old world, encourages them to enter the new world of individual and social cosmic evolution and, through the charm of its motherly beauty, gives them confidence to advance without fear into the new social land of the next sequence; because, to the “children” (the motifs), the new sequence world appears as the mysterious, unknown sphere of a new generation.
Nature and Purpose of the Sequence-Technique
The sequence-technique is that faculty of the musical logic which governs the motif-technique from within with the help of the cosmic social laws of development. In accordance with the inner cosmic formative laws of the sequence-technique, the sequence stimulates the individuals motifs, holds them together, and again soothes them like a mother tending her children.
The Organizing Power in the Melody-Technique
The sequence-technique prevents the natural individual and social order of the motifs from disintegrating even if the motifs are of opposing nature and even if, in the course of the musical event, they contradict each other ever so much.
In the form of the cosmic laws of the harmony, the sequence-technique contains those universal principles which improve the relation of the motifs among each other.
The Force-Field of the Musical Social Laws
The sequence-technique is the “field of the cosmic social laws of the motifs,” while the motif-technique comprises the cosmic individual laws of the motifs.
The sequence-technique, therefore, is a natural cosmic superior order of the motif-technique. The motif-technique evolves from the sequence-technique; it is, in its latent form, already present within it, and is not later attached artificially to the sequence-technique.
The Discrete Execution of Power of the Musical Sequence
The sequence is that inner cosmic primordial social life-impulse in the music, which unites the motifs so naturally as our palm holds our fingers together.
And as little as the palm moves when activating the individual fingers, as little is the sequence moved even when the individual motifs are moving apart, or together again, in the musical dance.
And due to this discrete nature of its activity, the sequence is not easily identified in the composition.
The Musical Sequence as the All-Nourishing Motif Mother
Thus, the sequence acts as the all-nourishing motif mother between the harmony and the dancing motifs, and enchants the motifs with the qualities of the harmony.
The Musical Force-Field of the Creative Unfoldment of the Motifs
In a motherly way, the sequence holds the motifs together and harmonizes their intentions which are often striving apart; at the same time, however, it leaves them extremely wide scope for individual creative unfoldment.
The Art of the Sequence-Technique
On the level of the sequence-technique, the art of forming lies in the sequence only promoting, and never inhibiting, the free unfoldment of the motifs in the course of the musical event, and it also lies in the motifs, inspired by the beauty of the sequence, always and only realizing the natural inner power of the harmony.
The Musical Formative Will in the Social Field of Music
The mastery over the applied sequence-technique consists of the art of creative merging the motifs with the harmony.
Thus, the applied sequence-technique represents a more comprehensive cosmic formative will than the applied motif-technique because it acts in a superior dimension of a musical order, in the world of the sequence, where the individual motifs are held together on the level of the social structure of the music.
Applied Sequence-Technique
In this way, the mothers (the sequences) are serving the fore-father of music (the harmony) by inspiring his children (the motifs), and by guiding them through the world of music.